Wicked Shizuku's Reviews

Monday, April 18, 2016

After Hitler: The Last Ten Days of World War II in EuropeAfter Hitler: The Last Ten Days of World War II in Europe by Michael Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I constantly watch the news, and sometimes I just didn't understand many of the comparisons or references that reporters generally bring up. I decided to remedy that by at least reading one history book per month. I have always struggled with history, and books pertaining to it. This though, has been eye opening to the reality of the horrors that were carried out by Hitler and his underlings. This is really hard to stomach, and if you read I suggest you don't eat before reading. I agree with Churchill, " It must never happen again."
If your writing a research paper on WWII; this is definitely the book you need. Sadly enough though, this is really glazed over in the current education system. I know that I never learned any of this in high school. Leaving it to my own self education. When studying the geography of where most of the battles took place and the timeline; I understand so much more now. There also seems to be a repeating of history with the exception of our technology. (Which can be a double edged sword at times. Then tech was limited. That is impossible for me to fathom.)
It seems a shame that all that these brave soldiers fought and died for is being ignored; in present times. In fact, most must be rolling in their graves. There needs to be a rise of a New Churchill, Patton, and Eisenhower. (not by the same name, but hopefully you get the idea.) It seems that the militant group Isil is following the battle strategy with a mix of the Nazis and the training regimen and fighting tactics of the Viet-kong. If we also throw in a mix from the propaganda machine, known to most now called the internet, and funded by the sales of oil. Their system is run by a Califite(sp?) system. That means the guy leading them is 'JESUS' in their eyes. (this is how the German's somewhat saw Hitler, and his ideals.) This is the link to another book that I'm trying to tackle right now, and I noticed the similarities then. The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast
When all of the allied countries are limited to the terms of the Geneva Convention agreement, what can be done? I don't think they were expecting a rise of like minded thinking ever again, and didn't come up with a contingency plan if it did at the time in a change of power(U.S. elections)?
(I still have lots that I don't know so if anyone wants to throw in a few links for me it would be appreciated. I mean there could be outlines that aren't known to a peon like myself.)
Who knows what's in the cards for the United Nations. Hopefully it won't reach the numerical atrocities of the Third Reich. Pray for the world, if it does.
Sorry for my ranting folks, I just had to get that out. Stay safe out there pretties!

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