Wicked Shizuku's Reviews

Friday, July 15, 2016

Doomed to Succeed by Dennis Ross

Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship from Truman to ObamaDoomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship from Truman to Obama by Dennis Ross
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has a simple Textbook format, and takes the reader from Truman's policy progressing year by year to the now. This describes the back and forth frustrations of America's relations to Israel. The later half of the book also includes Ross' involvement as early as the Nixon Administration, and has been extremely enlightening. Though at times this book really angered me. He's pictured on the right, so more of you can understand who this guy is.
dennis ross photo: Barack Obama and Dennis Ross obama_ross_0715.jpg

My questions:

1. I still have not puzzled out on the 'why' for Israel demanding the particular piece of land that their state sits on. Logistically, why? Wasn't enslavement by the Egyptians and the Holocaust enough punishment? I don't understand why a people would want to inhabit a land surrounded by a race/religion that says the Jews must die? (setting aside that Israel claims that it is their Holy Land. The problem is that the religion of Islam also claims the same thing. There has to be a bigger reason of why that place.) It's like throwing a match in a powder keg. Result is that it won't end well.

2. Instead of providing arms for any of these countries, why haven't we provided aid in agriculture, irrigation, and cattle only? Don't give them guns when they are to sorry to work a plow, because they would rather kill people while screaming their zealotry . If food is the problem teach them how to grow it. 'Teach a man to fish and all that rot.'

3. Another thing I just do not understand. Is; why the Jews? Persecution has happened numerous times to their race over the course of history. I understand that it happened, but not the WHY it happened. Does it really boil down to religion? Or is it only politics? Their genetic make-up? Charles Dickens?
charles dickens photo: Charles Dickens CharlesDickens.jpg

My opinions(pertaining to the book, but not limited to only the book):
soapbox photo: Mike' soap box MySoapBox.gif
*stepping up on my soapbox.*

1.Put some serious thoughts into Hydro-Electric cars. It would dampen our dependence on Saudi Oil. (I mean come on; Back to the Future's time machine ran off of Garbage. Why the hell do we not have this tech already?!
back to the future gif photo: Back to the Future b2tf.gif
IT'S 2016! Put my Tax dollars into the Science to make it happen! Chop! Chop!)

2. Stop Arming Foreign Countries. Period! (There are many countries in severe debt to the U.S. Time to start writing some bills with interest. I have to pay my own bills! Why not those who bought the arms to begin with?) Also nuclear power or weapons; is just a bad idea. (You don't hand a loaded pistol to a toddler, so why allow a dictatorship that availability?) Solar and wind are a costly option, but everyone will live if accidents happen. radioactive poisening photo: Radioactive 565072858.jpgThe Chernobyl disaster and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster are examples to keep in mind. America also needs to evaluate their dependence on it as well. If the democratic party wants to scream about the environment then I want more project updates to these causes with quarterly progress reports. On what was done and scientific read outs of how the project it has benefited the environment from projects completion.

3. The United States is not a charity organization, and every single disaster relief has yet to be returned in good faith. Time for some type of Quid-pro-Quo and stop throwing away my tax dollars! I didn't see Chinese offering fiscal aid when Hurricane Katrina tore it's way through Louisiana or any monetary loans by what was once the Ottoman Empire, to the relief of Winter Storm Sandy victims. Though every Tsunami or Major Earthquake to hit Asia or the Middle-East; the U.S. is just throwing money at them. Same with every other act of God to hit any other country. It isn't America's responsibility to act as Big Brother or Big Banker!

4. Legalize all Drugs, Regulate them, Distribute & Tax them (Addiction is a medical condition. If the addict makes the decision that they want to quit. They should not have to be scarred of losing their job or family due to state institution policies by going to Rehab. Besides, think of all the revenue it could generate. If an addict doesn't want to quit then we should leave it for the gods to sort out. They are going to use whether drugs are illegal or not. At least make sure that they have clean needles and paraphernalia; so they won't spread disease.) This in turn will empty out our prison systems, and leave plenty of rooms for the people who should be in. Like rapists, frauds, child support dodgers, murderers, pedophile psychos, and corrupt politicians. Another positive outcome would be the change in job disqualification, but at the same time will anger the entire black market. (Someone much smarter than myself can sort out that nightmare. I wouldn't know where to start.)
This guy has a pretty convincing argument.

5. Improve the medical availability in: physical, rehabilitation, and mental ailments. Revisit the regulations on holistic medicine practice. Lot's of ailments can be curbed with specific diets. This has had a lot of progress in the fight against Cancer. (At the same time, put a leash on the pharmaceutical companies, and reevaluate EVERY licensed Dr. that has been writing to many prescriptions. Honestly with all of the Eagle Eye and fusion centers' shit going on you(government) finger pointing photo: Homer Wants You 2379175797_7d886109b5.jpg can't pull one over on citizens by turning a blind eye to what's going on.) Also the insurance companies need to be addressed. Premiums are ridiculous!

6. Since I have to pee in a cup to get a job. I think it's only fair that whoever applying for welfare for five kids that only sits, drinks booze, takes pills, and watches the Reality TV channel(just an example) all day every day; should have to do the same. STOP TREATING YOUR KIDS LIKE CHECKS!
Then individual states should regulate the Child support laws and rates after proven paternity testing(it's kind of hard denying maternity). Make it one flat fair rate due to the child's age with a re-evaluation appointment every year. (Children grow and so do their needs, but make sure their needs are being met. i.e. food, shelter, clothing, health, and education. RECEIPTS! KEEPING YOUR RECEIPTS IS THE EASIEST WAY TO PROVE YOU'RE DOING YOUR END RIGHT! JUST AN OBSERVATION!) Stop incarcerating people because they are one month late due to being laid off from their job. A year without payment, then yes, incarceration is acceptable. No effort to find a job for a year shows that the person doesn't WANT to take responsibility for their children, and SHOULD BE ADVISED TO sign 100% percent of custody to the parent suing for custody; resulting in ending child support. Making the suing parent get a job.
please stop gif photo: tumblr_m8bebfqkA11ru3kga_zps0dca6355.gif

7. Eliminate the Math Common Core education system. It's holding back the children who excel. (I end up being the one teaching my children 'how I learned it.' My son, boy wonder that he is, understands both ways. While my daughter doesn't get math until I show her the 'old way' Don't fix something that isn't broken to begin with!) In it's place start requiring: art, etiquette, and survival classes.

8. With many of the natural disasters that are happening due to floods and wildfires, I'm confounded by the lack of coverage and failure that our government has promised to provide. If it was such a bad idea to continue the Keystone project why not use the material and remaining funding to reroute water from known flood areas to areas in drought? Re-purpose the design to use that water for irrigation purposes across many states, and farmers of the areas would drop food and cattle prices if crops yield excess. Plants need water to GROW! This is basics of the basics in Agriculture and Economics. This would also subvert natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and Torrential Flooding of Louisiana in 2016. You have a chart for it, so why not make it happen?
disaster photo: Disaster 6a00d83451b64669e200e54f42b7648833-.gif

9.Last but not least; GET OUT THERE AND VOTE PEOPLE!

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